Corporate Cash Flow & Capital Management Service Solutions

cash flow management solutions for corporates

During uncertain times, a common set of scenarios that can be applied to test assumptions is key. Standardized templates and tools can also help streamline the process and provide transparency to stakeholders. A shift in cadence and processes can enable organizations to approach allocation decisions in a more nimble manner. Second, successful companies focus on preventing future overdues as well as resolving current overdues. Many companies direct most of their efforts to fixing existing overdues without addressing the underlying issues that cause overdues to occur repeatedly.

  • After setting the standard policy, finance and sales teams should work together to switch noncompliant terms to the standard.
  • Jedox is good for businesses who have support in house for implementation and training and want a solution that supports large amounts of data.
  • Buying equipment requires a cash outflow, and selling a company vehicle produces a cash inflow.
  • Cash equivalents are balances that can be quickly converted into cash, such as a money market account balance.
  • Bank study, a staggering 82% of businesses fail due to cash flow issues.
  • Tesorio’s cash flow performance platform helps businesses make cash flow predictions in real time based on trends and other analyses.

The 12 best cash management solutions for CFOs in 2024

  • As business models evolve to respond to market volatility, having a refined focus on liquidity strategy has become a critical priority.
  • The financial planning and analysis tool allows managers to build integrated models that drive revenue and expense projections.
  • The solution is always up to date with short release cycles and automatic upgrades, freeing our customers to focus on business innovation.
  • Supply-chain disruption and supplier-liquidity issues have become a big issue during the crisis.

CashAnalytics charges platform fees that increase as the number of users and business needs increase. Causal provides software to create and build business plans, forecasts, and financial models. The financial planning and analysis tool allows managers to build integrated models that drive revenue and expense projections. Rho’s platform then actively adjusts customers’ portfolios of government securities like U.S. Treasuries to earn market rates while monitoring operating account balances and automatically transferring money as needed. All invoices can be sent electronically, and customers are provided options to pay invoices online.


They help treasuries around the world achieve end-to-end automation in their forecasting and cash management processes to deliver accurate and insightful results with lesser manual effort. It helps businesses generate sufficient cash inflows to pay all required cash outflows and maintain proper financial health. A large struggle many small business owners face is learning how to properly project expenses and calculate future debts. A company must look at both short-term and long-term needs for effective cash flow forecasting. Cash flow and sales projection reports can show whether a business has enough money to cover operating expenses based on forecasted revenue.

cash flow management solutions for corporates


Upgrade your domestic and international payments processes with these Bottomline solutions. Help your organization better manage its financial obligations with these tips on creating cash flow statements. Let’s get started with a brief look at cash flow management and what makes a good cash flow management tool. The most important aspect is maintaining a positive cash flow, ensuring that inflows consistently exceed outflows to support ongoing operations and growth. With accurate data and predictive analytics, managers can make informed decisions that drive growth and efficiency.

cash flow management solutions for corporates

Implement Accounts Receivable (AR) Automation

cash flow management solutions for corporates

Wave offers various pricing plans such as free invoicing, accounting, unearned revenue and payroll service at $40/mo (tax-service states) and $20/mo (self-service states). Wave also provides bookkeeping at $149/mo, and accounting and payroll coaching for $379 (one-time fee). Integrations with ERP systems, data warehouses and banking systems through the company’s API integration.

Common Cash Flow Management Issues

Working capital is calculated as (current assets less current liabilities), and management aims to maintain a positive working capital balance. In other words, businesses always want the current asset balance to be greater than the current liability total. This ensures that idle balances are minimized, while allowing you to maximize yields on your surplus operating balances at optimal cost. On the other hand, paying AP too quickly may have a negative impact on your cash flow. That’s because you’re reducing the amount of cash on hand for business needs.

cash flow management solutions for corporates

Effective cash flow and working capital management are critical for the financial health and sustainability of any business. As leaders, understanding how to optimize these areas can have a significant impact on the overall success and growth of the organization. By mastering these financial practices, leaders can navigate economic uncertainties, seize opportunities, and maintain a strong financial foundation for their organizations.

Business owners will have to take out a business loan to reach a true cash balance. Close collaboration among sales, operations and project management, and invoicing teams is critical to streamline the invoicing process and avoid any delays. Communication lags between relevant departments within the company and process inefficiencies prevent the invoicing team from processing invoices in a timely manner. We often see this issue with complicated products and services that require manual invoicing—for example, projects with multiple invoice dates linked to specific milestones. Automating the process as much as possible, in combination with clear incentives linked to cash flow management for small business working capital, can help solve the problem. Chasing late payers has overburdened collection desks, especially those still relying on manual processes.